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Colorado Election Fraud 


In 2020, Colorado had 450,000 New Votes and almost all went for Democrats


Election analysis based on Publicly Available Colorado voter data .  Colorado was already a “mail in vote state” that shipped out ballots for years preceding the 2020 election



1.   The population of Colorado in 2020 was 5,807,719, a 0.85% increase from 2019. 

2.   The population of Colorado in 2019 was 5,758,486, a 1.08% increase from 2018. 

3.   The population of Colorado in 2018 was 5,697,155, a 1.42% increase from 2017. 

4.   The population of Colorado in 2017 was 5,617,421, a 1.33% increase from 2016.  

*Accordingly, the population of Colorado increases by roughly 1-1.5% per year. Thus, there has been no significant increase in voters in several years. 


** Nationwide - Trump Boosted his Hispanic and Latino Vote except in Colorado. Colorado has over 1 million that identify as Hispanic and Latino Voters and maybe another 400,000  Italian/Latins who supported Trump. 



1) 3.2 million voted in 2020 in Colorado Statewide. Colorado already had mail in voting to everyone. Thus, there should have been no vast difference in voting from 2016, 2018 to 2020  

2) 3.2 Million votes in Colorado is an increase in 600,000 voters in 2 years since Gov. Polis of Colorado was elected in 2018.  

3) Stunningly, Mr. Biden got 1,804,352 votes in 2020 which is essentially 450,000 more new votes than anyone has ever received. A Whopping 40% better than Obama and Clinton.  


4) Trump got 1,364,607 votes in Colorado in 2020. Trump increased his votes from 2016 by over 150,000 votes from 2016.  Interestingly, Trump earned more votes in 2020 than Obama ever did, more than Clinton and Trump got more votes than Gov. Polis when they ran. 


5) Dominion opened its headquarters in Denver in 2009, and 62 out of 64 Colorado counties use the Dominion election & counting services and products.  


6) Colorado had 3.2 million ballots for a turnout rate where Colorado had the highest turnout in the country  better than MN and others. Some say, the turnout for registered Democrats in Colorado may be as high as 90% which is almost impossible statistically?  In 2020, 3,303,265 ballots were returned out of an active voter roll of 3,780,115 — a turnout rate of 87 percent overall, and higher for Democrats according to mainstream news CPR Coloradans Turned Out In Record Numbers To Vote In 2020. Here's What That Means ( 


THE 2018 ELECTION IN COLORADO - 2.4 million voted in state elections in 2018.  Gov. Polis got 1,348,888 votes to win the Statewide Governors election. Trump won even more votes than Colorado Govenor in 2020. 


THE 2016 ELECTION IN COLORADO 1) 2.7 Million voted in statewide elections in 2016 in Colorado.  2) In 2016, Clinton got 1,338,870 votes in CO which is essentially the same number that Polis got to win in 2018. 3) Trump got 1,202,484 Colorado votes in 2016. Clinton did not win a plurality of votes in Colorado in 2016, but Clinton won Colorado with 48% of the vote.   Also, Obama never received more than 1,323,101 votes in Colorado which is essentially the same as Hillary Clinton’s record.  




In sum, the population of Colorado increases by 1-1.5% per year.  However, Biden's voter increase above other famous democrats such as Obama or Clinton from years: (2016/18) to 2020, is a Whopping = 33.3333% increase in votes over Clinton, Obama and Governor Polis. 


Question: How did Biden do 40% better than Obama?

Question: How did Biden do 34% better than Clinton?


Where did Biden get the extra 450,000 ballots? in a state that has only grown by only (about 200,000) people while Trump also increased his margin by 150,000 votes of which 1,364,607 Trump votes is above both Hillary and Obama's best performances? 


While Trump increased his Colorado support in 2020 by almost 150,000 additional votes in Colorado, Mr. Biden was somehow allotted another 450,000 ballots counted (a virtual 40% Percent Increase from all records in history) whilst the population in Colorado has not increased but about: 50-200,000 people over the last 5 years. To increase concern even further, one Colorado Trump rally was said to be composed of a whopping 17% democrat supporters.


Remember 2 things: Biden seemingly received 100% of the increase in votes in Colorado over 1.35 Million. Biden basically was allotted 450 thousand extra votes. That amount is essentially like receiving every vote from a 1 million person city like New Orleans. 


Trump’s Record Breaking 2020 Votes in Colorado 

Trump received all of his previous votes from 2016 plus the other 2016 independent and libertarian votes to put Trump’s 2020 votes higher than the records of: Clinton, Obama and Polis where Trump's earned more than 1.35+ million votes.  Amazingly, Mr.Biden racked up an extra 450,000 votes beyond Trump.  At this juncture, it appears that Democrat turnout was over 90%.

In sum, many math and statistical analysts would stipulate that it is impossible for an extra 450,000 votes to magically appear in a state that has already had mass-mail-voting. Further, if 450,000 new votes are entered into a "data set" or "scatter chart", it would also seem to be impossible for all 450,000 new votes to go to one candidate. 


Supposedly, Biden is 33%-40% stronger than ANY  Historical Candidate Ever based on the Number of Ballots recorded in Colorado


To put it bluntly, Colorado’s 2020 vote counts would indicate that Mr. Biden is 33%-40% more popular than all of the greatest Democrats:  Biden’s numbers say that he is 40% more popular than  America’s Historical Obama Candidacy in 2012, 33% better than the First Woman Presidential Candidate Clinton, and 33% better than America’s First Openly Gay statewide Candidate Polis.,a%201.33%25%20increase%20from%202016

The population of Colorado only increased from approximately 5.61 million in 2017 to about 5.78 million in 2020, according to U.S. Census Bureau estimates. This represents a growth of around 170,000 people during that period.


Overall, the theme of this essay is this.  How did voter turnout improve in Colorado so much where 100% of the increase went to a Democrat?


For a data scientist, one might believe that Trumps record breaking votes in Colorado triggered an algorithm to boost Bidens votes as rapidly and as much as legally possible by counting every registered democrat that is in the database for Mr. Biden. Again, the Democrat voter turnout in Colorado 2020 is virtually 100% or more based on the data.  For example, in the 2020 general election in Colorado, there were approximately 1.1 million registered Democrats as of October 2020 while they counted over 1.8 million ballots for Mr. Biden while there were approximately 1 million registered Republicans.

This means that Biden got 700,000 plus non democrat independent votes while Trump only got 300,000.  This random evidence shows that Biden got up to 70% of the independent vote in Colorado? According to exit polls, Biden won about  54% of the independent vote. Thus, another 16% disparity between the nation and Colorado?

In the end, we know that computers can be hacked and that anything connected to they internet may be vulnerable to hack. In Colorado, a left wing terrorist might be able to hack the election by attacking, extorting or bribing people at the clerk of courts office, the secretary of state's offices, or attacking through any computer or thumb drive that the state uses to count votes tally them up.








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